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Forum Posts

Jan 18, 2023
In Development Suggestions
Hello users and dev. When I heard about CRUMB I got excited and didn't hesitate a moment to get it for myself. I really like the software and I'm excited with the possibilities that lie ahead. That's why I went to the forum to suggest a few future features. When I got here however I'm having a hard time seeing what has already been suggested. That's why I'd like to start off with a suggestion for the forum! I think it would be a great idea if there is a pinned poll where people can suggest new ideas and vote on the top X (a limited number so people don't just vote on everything at once) that they like the most. This way the developer knows on what features he should focus because it has the most community appeal and the people know what features have already been suggested to avoid duplicates. Every update the features that have been added get removed from the poll and added to the development tab. When the dev picks the features he'll be working on for the next update they get locked so the community knows what features are being worked on. While the dev is working on the features he could use the polls as progress bars for the respective features. Those were just my 2 cents about possible improvements to the forum. Now for future features in the software. I would like to see protoboards added instead of just breadboards. What I also think would be cool is if you could generate a schematic of the circuit that you made on breadboard so you could import it into software and create a PCB with the design you made. And lastly I'd like to see Steam workshop support so the community can help add features/ components. What do all of you think about these possible improvements? I'd like to hear your opinion.


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