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Forum Posts

Nov 19, 2023
In Development Suggestions
The idea for it came from the Digital Logic Sim This feature mimics mod support, would be easier for the average user and might actually be a good addition to mods whenever they ever arrive and is possibly easier to create compared to a full fledged mod support. Simplest implementation that first came to my mind: User can choose to make some of the breadboard's sockets in a design into an "output"/"input" type and some basic elements as being "variable" (e.g. a resistor exists in an imported design, the design gets imported and the user can input different value for that inner resistor). The imported design can be visualized as a simple rectangle with the design's name on it. Problems for this implementation: 1. Dynamically generated pins might render the created component unusable (=> it would also need some kind of 3D editor/3D preview so the user could adjust the result one way or another) 2. Input(e.g. button)/indicator(e.g. led) components would probably be hard to implement so they render and function properly. Also I don't know how bad this would be for the optimization for example a TTL AND logic component created this way should be really easy on the resources, but handling more complex signals could be hard to manage.


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