While playing with component values, I noticed the program crashes when setting the values to begin with a decimal. This issue has been replicated with the resistor, capacitor, and inductor (I have not tried with other customizable components). For instance, attempting to set capacitor value to .220 uF instead of 220 nF results in an immediate crash. Program closes but continues to run in background.
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Hi! I purchased this and I think this bug is a bit more severe. It seems like it's jumbling up culture, and the input box is filtering away symbols based on some hard coded lookup? Because I can't write comma in the input box and if I write a period it crashes with a FormatException. The application simply doesn't work here and it's not just some quirk with a workaround. I would think either go with InvariantCulture everywhere or take the Current(UI?)Culture into account when parsing and formatting strings, and probably use TryParse instead of Parse.
I’ve found the issue for this. When you enter a decimal place as the first character, the simulation gets updated with a zero value..: the simulation cannot solve zero values and dies 😂 I will fix this in the next week or so
Same here.