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Forum Posts

Cody Thompson
Aug 28, 2022
In Bug Finding
Hello, Sorry if these posts are getting annoying :s Just pointing out everything I find. When creating and rotating a label, the highlighting for the label will show as horizontal, no matter the rotation of said label. Example:
Cody Thompson
Aug 28, 2022
In Development Suggestions
Hey Mike, Just suggesting a recolour of the buttons like the menu, settings, voltage view, movement buttons, etc. I think the default colour would be better if it was the colour that is shown when the buttons are pressed down, and then maybe darken them more when pressed down. When zoomed into the breadboard, some of these buttons can appear almost invisible, making it really hard to click them. Example: The voltage view button is almost impossible to see in this photo, as the colour is so light. Thank you
Cody Thompson
Aug 27, 2022
In General Discussion
I seem to have hit the limit. Adding any more ICs drops my FPS to near 0. I was at about 30 FPS before I added the 245 near the dip switch for the B register, around 20 after. (The FPS in bottom corner isn't really accurate to show overall FPS) I'll start messing around with other circuits, but I don't think I'll be able to continue with the 8bit computer until it's a bit more optimized, if it can be. Also, I'm using bluestacks with 6 cores and 24GB of RAM allocated. Anyone have some suggestions for other cool circuits I can start fucking around with?
This seems to be about the limit content media
Cody Thompson
Aug 27, 2022
In Bug Finding
Hey Mike, just found a really quick thing on the 245 chip. The enable pin should show as active low, atm it shows it as active high.
Cody Thompson
Aug 26, 2022
In Development Suggestions
I think it would be cool if we could import projects into another. It could simply import the breadboards, no need to import and have multiple power supplies. But I'm following BenEater's 8 bit computer series, and am hoping to have each step in his series as a different project, so I can go back and learn more about those specific components to the computer. Most of his projects use his clock component, and whilst I haven't gotten too far, it's a bit of a hassle to either begin working by using the clock project I have and duplicating it using Save As and then starting to do what I intended. It would be awesome if I could start working on a circuit, then later on when I need the clock, be able to simply import the clock I've already made. Thanks Mike, again, this app is absolutely amazing.
Cody Thompson
Aug 24, 2022
In Bug Finding
Hello, so I've been following Ben Eater's videos on youtube and trying to recreate them in Crumb. It seems there's a couple issues with the SR Latch. Here is a link to the video: The pinout for the 74HC02 NOR gate seems to be incorrect in Crumb vs the datasheet. Datasheet: Crumb: When wiring everything up according to the correct pinout, and following Ben Eater's tutorial exactly. The circuit seems to simply not work properly. It simply turns one LED on or off, and the other is unaffected. When wiring everything up according to the pinout displayed by Crumb, the app freezes. Perhaps I've just wired it up wrong, but I've tried a couple different times to the same result.

Cody Thompson

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