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Forum Posts

Oct 18, 2022
In Bug Finding
When placing wires, if there is something under where you pressed, they will be placed on top of it. But when it's another wire that is under it, and you move the breadboard, the "node" of the wire on top will not move. Here are some screenshots showing the bug:
Wires placed on top of wires don't move with the breadboard content media
Oct 18, 2022
In Development Suggestions
Hi! I play with Crumb on my Android tablet, mostly in Samsung's desktop mode: Samsung Dex. It allows me to have another app opened on the side for browsing documentation or videos. This means I like to move and resize the apps I'm running, but Crumb doesn't support that. So I get a prompt to restart the app each time. I found this in the Unity documentation: PlayerSettings.Android.resizableWindow. I don't know if it requires more setup than just that, but I'm open to test, if needed! 🙂 It may also be used on emulators and Chromebooks, but I can't really test that since I have or use neither of those.
Oct 11, 2022
In Bug Finding
I don't know why or what I'm doing to cause this, but sometime, the camera control will just stop working. I can still interact with everything in the scene and I can place/remove parts, but the camera will not move. To fix it, I have to either close and relaunch the app, or I also found that I can simply reload the project. At least, since it's only the camera, I can save before fixing it.


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